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Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, experience a metamorphosis of

your mind, body & soul.

Kasama Well-being offers Reiki Therapy, EFT Tapping, Colour Mirrors™ bottle Readings, Crystal Energy Healing, Numerology Readings and Full Moon and New Moon Circles. Our therapies are available at our private therapy practice with a private balcony or from a distance using Zoom.
Below, you'll find pictures and short descriptions of our therapy stations. Take a tour around the site, and feel free to ask any questions using our instant chat on the right of your screen.
You may stay longer to pick up a free prayer, guided meditation or grounding exercise. 

You can choose to stay on the site and practice here. Otherwise, you can download the material to explore for personal use in your own time. To download your free guide, select the underlined guided tool of your choice and follow the download assistance.


REIKI THERAPY is a hands-on energy healing modality that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and complements conventional treatments and therapies. The benefits of Reiki are beginning to be recognised by the wider community; the NHS has implemented it across many of its services. 



EFT is a mind/body self-help tool that we perform by gently touching the acupressure points with our fingertips. Research shows that tapping sends a calming signal to the amygdala in the brain when we tap, whilst focusing on the issue we want to resolve. The amygdala is the part of the brain that encodes our negative experiences and cannot distinguish between a memory and what is happening now. The amygdala is our alert system and is always on the lookout for danger, so when the amygdala sets off the alarm and the "Fight, Flight or Freeze response" is triggered, our body thinks we are in danger. When our body releases Cortisol (the stress hormone), excess blood flows away from our organs and into our arms and legs, so the resources we usually rely on to deal with problems are gone, leaving us in the stress response. When we tap, we send a calming signal to the brain that there is no danger, liberating ourselves from negative emotions and creating a more positive future.


COLOUR MIRRORS BOTTLES reflect the colours to us like a mirror, showing our gifts and challenges, where we are currently, where we need or want to be and what we may need in the interim to get to that place. Colour is relevant to everyone, and the Colour Mirrors system enables self-expression. The bottles' purpose is to bring our subconscious beliefs about ourselves into our conscious thinking. We can better understand this healing modality as a language system that promotes a connection to the imagination, individuality and aspirations.

Colour therapy can alter our mood, emotions, and feelings because colour can also influence the flow of energy in our body and facilitate the changing and releasing of the amounts of energy in our body. Colour has a symbolic meaning that our subconscious automatically interprets, commonly known as the psychology of colour. Think about a set of traffic lights:

Red - Stop

Amber - Caution

Green – Go



The body’s natural state is healthy, and healing is the process of returning to a natural state of wellness by removing all barriers and blockages between us and health, thus creating the right environment for the body to function at its natural state.  Healing begins today, not tomorrow! Crystal Therapy promotes the body’s self-healing process, it amplifies energy where there is a lack, reduces energy where there is overwhelm, encourages relaxation, holds space for emotional release and works on an energetic level to heal dis-ease.


I have a vast selection of tumbled stones and a range of crystal points, carvings, and bracelets available to buy in-store.


E-commerce shop coming soon!

Aura Clear Quartz Free Forms for Sale. A Master Healer, it clears limiting beliefs & heals overwhelm.


Monthly New Moon Circles for manifesting work and Monthly Full Moon Circles for Release work.  Want to learn how to manifest your dreams? 



Physical Pain

© 2023 by Alicia Cranwell Marketing Consultancy. 

This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for professional medical or psychological treatment or advice.  All health concerns, medical conditions, or mental health issues should be directed to, and addressed by a professional medical, mental health practitioner, or healthcare provider. ​

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